How is this flash!?
How is this flash!?
I like the party where mysty hung herself.
Just checkin..
"Iv'e got a bad feeling", skyrim joke? Or am i just playing that game too much? Both?
powerpuff boy?
Music kinda got on my nerves maybe if the pitch was slightly lower. other than that cute lil flash
Now that you've done one...
Make another.. seriously I've been on this site for years and this is by far one of the best solid stick fighters i'v seen. The sound timing, and melo bg music make it all the more enjoyable to watch.
Make another.. maybe continue from where you left off .. is he dead?.. will he come back and figure out how to escape? or was that error irreversible?
Hehe thanks. I will think about making a sequel.
..heh funny
I stopped playing pokemon after sapphire.
Thats his kid Singing!
Is it? That's what I got from that..manwhore has a kid.. or maybe more?
Short N Sweet
The ONLY negative is the sound bit you used for the guys footsteps. It didn't fit, imo. The girls steps on the other hand did. One could say he walked through some wet gravel that was not visible, sure, but there in-lies the negative. it wasn't visible. it didn't fit.
Haha sorry bit of a sound nerd.
Keep em coming.
Paper Mario!
I loved that lil game on N64... would have been cool if you... um wrote some more material.. but them again iassume the animating took quite awile as is
Great Ending!
" Son of a bitch! What the hell are these ducks!?" - Jeff, the first polar bear
^ THAT made me actually laugh out loud.
Joined on 8/23/05